Friday 16 April 2021

The Age of Dinosaurs by Steve Brusatte

Even though the dinosaurs roamed the earth millions of years ago, we’re still piecing together new information about these ancient animals.

Did you know that, on average, a new species of dinosaur is discovered every single week? Or that many dinosaurs had feathers? Or that there are even modern-day dinosaurs walking around right now?

New York Times
bestselling author and acclaimed paleontologist Steve Brusatte writes about all the new discoveries he and his colleagues have made that help us better understand—and marvel at—these remarkable reptiles.

This exciting nonfiction book for ages 7 to 12 includes a glossary, pronunciation guide, and index, as well as photos throughout. A strong choice for the classroom and for independent reading, and a great source for reports using information direct from an expert in the field.

I don't read a lot of non fiction. I find a lot of them are very dry, written for people who already understand the topic and are looking to broaden their knowledge. That's fine! People need to increase their knowledge. But they are tough to get into.

Not this one. Steve writes in an engaging, friendly style, almost as though we're just chatting away. It is quite text heavy, but it's broken up with maps, anecdotes from different figures in the field of paleontology, pictures from digs and images of dinosaur bones. There's a lot of really interesting information here - I didn't know there were other Tyrannosaurs apart from Rex! I didn't know that different types of sauropods lived together! I didn't know that geologists and paleontologists worked so closely together! (although it makes perfect sense.)

This is going to be a great book to give a slightly older child who loves dinosaurs, history, or science. It shows the painstaking work that goes into any kind of science, and how your passion can become your life's work if you stick at it. And, of course, it's chock full of fantastic facts. (Portugal used to have salamanders that were as big as a family car!)

A great read.

The Age of Dinosaurs published in March, 2021 in the US (top image) and will publish on the 13th of May, 2021 in the UK (lower image). I received a free copy and am writing an honest review.

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