Saturday 31 December 2022

Celtic Healing Oracle by Rosemarie Anderson and Susan Dorf

• The cards feature black-and-white symbols representing goddesses, gods, cauldrons, leprechauns, faeries, animals, trees, and other figures to express the Celtic way of “carving” reality from darkness rather than light

• The accompanying guidebook explores the meaning and mythic background for each card, the Celtic worldview, the principles of Celtic divination, as well as how to use the oracle to receive answers to specific questions

Attuned to the movements of nature, the Celts understood that all things are connected, and they “divined” answers to their queries as well as what the future holds from the animals, plants, the winds, and the seasons. Trees and animals had particular knowledge of past, present, and future. Through natural methods of divination, bards, healers, soothsayers, and holy women and men gained powers to see into the unseen. Stories and legends of their powers were told and retold, transmitting an enormous store of wisdom across the generations.

In this oracle deck and guidebook, Rosemarie Anderson interprets Celtic myths and legends to create an oracle system of 64 cards featuring symbols from the ancient Celtic ways of knowing. The symbols represent three thousand years of Celtic culture and history, derived from archaeological excavations of Bronze and Iron Age Celtic sites throughout Europe and from the myths, folktales, and faery traditions still flourishing in rural Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. The symbols of the cards represent cauldrons, spirals, leprechauns, faeries, animals, trees, the wondrous child (Cú Chulainn), the Sacred King, Cernunnos (the antlered god), the Morrigán (the raven goddess), Tir na nóg (the Blessed Isles), and other imagery and figures from Celtic lore.

The accompanying guidebook explores the meaning, symbology, and mythic background for each card, such as how the Triple-Mother Goddess (Card 1) represents magnificence and the primal goddess in all her aspects--maiden, mother, and crone. The guidebook also explores the Celtic worldview, the basic principles of Celtic divination, as well as how to use the oracle to receive answers to specific questions.

Conveying the power and wisdom of the ancient Celtic ways of knowing, this oracle offers a hands-on way to gain insight into the hidden forces at play in our lives.

Before we say anything else; I ADORE the art style on these cards. So simple, so dramatic, so Celtic! (Note that as an Irish person, I'm pronouncing that Kel-tic, but my very quick Google indicates that either form of the word is acceptable.)

I love the Celtic heritage, and these cards, unlike some, celebrate rather than exploit it, uplifting the images and ideas associated with our stories. A quick flick through shows the banshee, yes, but also the Green Man, Oenghus, Lugh and dozens of others. There are faeries, but only one mention of leprechauns. Plants, animals and places (in spirit rather than specific, such as 'mountains' and 'wells') are all celebrated in this deck. Even the old gods and goddesses are here.

You're thinking "That's a lot of things for a 64 card deck!" and you're right, but it never feels crowded or busy. Each card and concept has its own space and its own time. Nothing is rushed here.

Right, let's go in some kind of order now. The cards are about as tall as tarot cards but a bit wider. I can shuffle them fine. They have a smooth, glossy feel to them. The back has a (non reversible) Celtic symbol on a green background. Each card has a number, name and keyword printed at the top above a picture in black and white.

The book is quite hefty and nice, giving an intro by the author, some history of the Celts in general and the specific things that led to the deck's creation. There are ideas for how to use the deck, including interpretation hints and spreads to use. Then there are the card meanings. Each card has two pages, with the image and a brief description on one side, then what it might mean for you on the other. It's enough information without being overwhelming.

I'm enjoying using this. It's nice to get back in touch with my roots. It's going to take a while to get to know it well enough for spreads, but it's time that I'll very much enjoy spending. 

Celtic Healing Oracle publishes on the 31st of January, 2023. I received a free copy and am giving an honest review.

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