Saturday 16 October 2021

Einstein the Penguin by Iona Rangeley and David Tazzyman

When the Stewarts spend a sunny, frosty December day at London Zoo, they’re enchanted by one small penguin. At the delight of young Imogen and Arthur, Mrs Stewart insists the penguin “must come and stay with them whenever he likes.”

But not one Stewart expects the penguin to turn up at their door that evening, rucksack labelled “Einstein” on his back…

The family’s new feathered friend helps Arthur to come out of his shell and makes massive demands on Imogen’s amateur sleuthing. But together they must find out why Einstein came to them and they must keep away from the mysterious white-coat man.

And Einstein can’t stay forever, can he…?

Ok, I'll admit it; I haven't read Paddington. I know, I know! How can I call myself a children's book seller? When I read this summary, I thought it sounded vaguely Paddington-ish. All I can say is if this is what Paddington is like, I'll have to find a copy immediately.

Einstein is a wonderful, sweet, heartwarming story with a mystery hovering around the family shaped heart. There isn't really a bad guy, as this isn't that kind of story. Imogen and Arthur provide plenty of adventure and some really clever mystery solving, and for a mute animal Einstein is very good at giving just the right hints at just the right time.

My proof copy doesn't feature illustrations, apart from the cover and endpapers, but I hope the finished copy does have some - Einstein has such espression here, I'd love to see what David can do with scenes and the other characters. If it's just this, though, the endpapers will have kids in stitches.

I hope there's more Einstein to come; I think he'll do really well and I'm looking forward to selling this.

Einstein the Penguin publishes on the 28th of October, 2021. I received a free copy and am giving an honest review.

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