Wednesday 22 May 2024

Two Sides to Every Murder by Danielle Valentine

Most people’s births aren’t immortalized in a police report.

Olivia was born during the infamous Camp Lost Lake murders but, when she begins questioning the events surrounding her birth, she finds there’s a lot more to that tragic night.

Most people don’t spend their childhood on the run.

Reagan’s mother might be considered guilty of murder, but Reagan knows she’s innocent. Tired of running, she returns to Camp to clear her mother’s name.

Only, someone wants the past to remain buried – and will kill again to do so. If they’re to stay alive, Olivia and Reagan must work together fast to uncover the truth. . .

When did it happen that 2004 is a whole generation ago? That can't possibly be right!

Anyway, this is a classic horror scenario with a killer in a summer camp - a camp which is reopening this very year! - and a possibly-framed villain, and two main characters with a mysterious connection (figured it out the first time anyone else met Reagan.) It seemed like there were going to be loads of characters to keep track of, but actually it's not too bad; you only really need to remember ten or so, some of whom only show up in the flashbacks.

This was a really visual story; I imagine it would do very well on Netflix, or Disney if they were willing to be a bit more gory than their usual fare. I could picture a lot of it as it was happening.

I don't always like books with two timelines - I find it hard to keep them in order - and this one did have several flashbacks and scenes set in the days leading up to the murders, which did puzzle me a bit. But I'm sure other readers will love that part of it.

I guessed some of the revelations, didn't guess others but looking back I can see the hints. It's very cleverly written! I think this one is going to be popular.

Two Sides to Every Murder publishes on the 27th of June, 2024. I received a free copy and am giving an honest review.

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