Wednesday 29 May 2024

The Last Dragon by Polly Ho Yen

Yara has only glimpsed the last dragon on Earth twice in her twelve years. She’s got other things to worry about: her sister is in hospital, her parents are panicking, and her new teacher has labelled her a troublemaker and wants her out. But one evening, in the glow of the lights of the shopping centre in Milton Keynes, Yara finds herself being watched by the last dragon and, before it departs, it leaves her a gift: its only dragon egg.

Entrusted with the care of the last dragon egg, Yara discovers it is more powerful than she could ever have imagined. But there are others who want the egg and they’ll stop at nothing to steal it for themselves…

What a fabulous, heartfelt read this is. The images make it a million times better, but even without them this would be an amazing story.

A world where everything is the same, but there's dragons - a dragon, at least - is a fascinating idea, and we get just the right amount of worldbuilding to really enjoy it. Yara is a great character, one of the ckind who never thought they'd do anything important but who steps up when it's necessary. There's a scene near the end that nearly made me cheer!

I mentioned the illustrations but I'm mentioning them again because they really are wonderful. They're simple pencil sketches that capture the emotions of the story so well, they really enhance the experience of reading it. This is going to be an amazing read for any Michael Morpurgo fans and I can't wait to start selling it.

The Last Dragon publishes on the 6th of June, 2024. I received a free copy and am giving an honest review.

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