Sunday 3 May 2020

Max Takes a Stand by Tim Allman and Nick Shepherd

Only ten years to stop climate change! Max is determined to do his part to stop it, and a TV competition is just the chance he needs.

Climate change is something on a lot of minds nowadays, and it's often hard to explain it to children in an appropriate way. This book doesn't go into detail on the climate change itself, it's more focused on things we can do to help mitigate it, things that most people can do at home.

The story itself is funny and lighthearted, with plenty of illustrations and cartoons. There are tips and ideas at the end for children to try themselves. I'm looking forward to reading more in this series, and I think it'll do well.

This fun, anarchic series revolves around a boy called Max and his mission to make the world a better place. From hiding his parents' car keys to preparing vegan dinners, Max is determined to help save the planet through positive direct action! But with hilarious and often disastrous results can Max's enthusiasm pay off in the end?

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