Wednesday 18 September 2024

All the Jingle Ladies by Beth Garrod

Molly hates Christmas. And it's not even her fault. Her mum and dad had the biggest ever Christmas single when she was a child, complete with video evidence of Molly in a hideous Christmas costume joyfully singing the mortifying last line that EVERYBODY knows.

Molly has spent her life trying to play it down but then the song is used in the hottest new Christmas film. It's only November and it's already EVERYWHERE. And when Molly meets a cute guy at the premier, how can she stop him from working out who she is?

But Molly isn't the only one hiding her real identity... will her Christmas romance turn out to have a Hollywood ending?

Some books are perfectly suited for their seasons. Lazy, sunny books for summer; crisp, pumpkin flavour for autumn; creepy horror for October. And this read is perfect for Christmas.

Not just because it's set at Christmas, featuring a Christmas movie, a Christmas song, and the most Christmas obsessed parents you will ever meet (the annoying kind, who insist that their hobby is the best and that anyone who doesn't agree should be ignored, even when their children are telling them outright that they're being bullied.) It's the whole mood of the piece, the feel of it, that makes it Christmasy.

The mystery suitor's identity was fairly obvious right from the start, but that doesn't make it any less fun. I can picture this as a really fun movie, the kind you curl up with some hot chocolate and the really good sweets and just lose yourself in.

Highly recommended if you need a good dose of cute in your life. I know I'll be keeping it for days when I need a smile. For a similar feel in movies, you can't go wrong with Love Actually; for a novel just as steeped in its season, but autumn rather than Christmas, try Pumpkinheads!

All the Jingle Ladies publishes on the 4th October, 2024. I received a free copy and am giving an honest review.

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