Monday 26 August 2024

The Crystal Spirit Talking Board by Amy Zerner and Monte Farber

The Crystal Spirit Talking Board is a powerful mandala of sacred crystal energy that can be used to tune into the messages from the Crystal Spirits through various symbols that combine with personal intention to provide answers to life’s questions.

The beautifully boxed kit consists of a unique board adorned with a mystical mandala design, a clear acrylic "Magical Message Indicator", and a 40-page illustrated guidebook

• The board has 15 Master Crystals in addition to power words, the moon phases, the eight directions, the numbers 0–9, and letters of the alphabet, which combine to create meaningful, insightful, and intriguing answers to life's questions

• The Crystal Spirit Talking Board is a "spiritual power tool" designed to help navigate a path to success in love, career, prosperity, and personal growth that can also enhance your psychic abilities and show you how you can commune with your spirit guides.

• The power of the specially designed mandala comes from the union of energies created among healing stones, sacred symbols, and intention.

• The design contains five different concentric "wheels": the Wheel of Crystals, Wheel of the Moon, Wheel of Letters, Wheel of Words, and Wheel of Numbers, in addition to the eight Directions.

When the board is incorporated into personal spiritual practice, it enhances creativity and intuition to become a powerful tool of self-transformation.

I've never used a spirit board before, so I wasn't sure what to expect when I opened this package. I have used a tarot deck by the same creators so I was sure they'd know what they were doing! The Crystal Spirit Talking Board is a beautifully designed tool for those seeking to explore the spiritual realm. However, it's important to note that some individuals may feel uneasy or apprehensive about using such tools; ouija boards have a bad reputation in both the spiritual and secular communities. Everyone should decide for themselves, of course, but if you're polite and make sure to close your sessions, you should be safe.

Design and Quality

The board's rubber-backed material provides a sturdy and durable base, while the carefully chosen crystals and words enhance the overall aesthetic appeal. The board consists of five concentric rings; the outer ring is Words such as Manifest, Worry and Connect, then there's Crystals, Alphabet, Moon Stages and Numbers on the inside. Each of the four corners has a word as well: Beware, Aware, Negative and Positive. The crystals and words have been carefully chosen to convey as much as possible as simply as possible. The included book provides clear guidance on how to use the board effectively, including tips for beginners and explanations of the crystals and moon stages. The heartshaped planchette has a small circle to highlight the chosen word, letter or crystal. The colours on the board are amazing; even if you were unsure about using it as a spirit board, it would make a gorgeous art piece.

Personal Experience

While I didn't experience any physical movement of the planchette, I did feel a noticeable tingling sensation and heat in my fingers. This, combined with the board's energy and the beauty of the design, created a sense of connection to something beyond the physical world. I didn't feel any sense of malice, anger or any other 'dark' emotion. The book did make it clear that some people don't get it to work first time and should keep trying, which I do plan to do.

Addressing Concerns

It's important to approach the use of a talking board with an open mind and a healthy dose of skepticism. Some people may believe that such tools can open a gateway to negative entities or experiences as, unlike tarot or oracle, you are inviting someone else to influence your world. If you have any concerns, it's recommended to consult with a trusted spiritual advisor or counselor before using a talking board. Several of the crystals on the board are for protection, so consider meditating on one or, if you have the crystal, keeping it close at hand as you use the board.


The Crystal Spirit Talking Board is a worthwhile investment for anyone interested in exploring the spiritual realm. However, it's essential to approach its use with caution and respect. If you're seeking a unique and potentially transformative experience, this board may be worth considering.

The Crystal Spirit Talking Board is available now. I received a free copy and am giving an honest review.

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