Friday 9 August 2024

Blog Tour: Anticipation by Neil Taylor

You are being played.

Your every move is being watched by businesses hoping to manipulate your behaviour. Every picture, every post, every like, every follow, every purchase, every search.

When 17-year-old Riya Sudame inherits her father’s secret AI algorithm, she and a handful of carefully selected Keyholders hold the power to predict people’s future using their online data. But with great power comes great responsibility, and they must safeguard it from falling into the wrong hands.

Enter Jim Booker, a powerful social media tycoon, who will stop at nothing to steal the technology for himself. Soon Riya faces a critical choice. Fighting ruthless tech giants seems like an impossible task—wouldn’t it be easier to relinquish her father’s creation in exchange for a normal teenage life?

But if she does, she will have to live with the knowledge that she is the reason that, like everyone, you are being played.

Social media is such a huge topic nowadays. Is it safe? Are they stealing our data? I've read books tackling the influencer's side of things, but nothing like this before.

The characters were strange to me - I kind of hated one, not naming them for spoilers, but I think we were meant to. The teens were very recognisably teens, which was nice to see in a book like this.

It's an interesting take on the social media morass, and a fantastic adventure story. I can't wait to read the next books in the series and see what happens to our heroine next.

Book Info

Genre: YA (12 to 18), AI thriller

Length: 304 pages

Published: August 2024



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