Monday 22 April 2024

The Weather Girls by Sarah Webb

It’s 1944. Twelve-year-old Grace Devine lives at Blacksod Lighthouse and weather station in County Mayo with her parents and little brother. When a German plane crashes nearby, she and her best friend Sibby risk their lives to save the young pilot. Grace’s family take him in, but their neighbours are horrified at having an ‘enemy’ in their midst.

Meanwhile, the Met Office in England suddenly asks Blacksod to send them weather reports every hour. But why? As the wind and rain howl outside, Grace begins to understand that something important is happening, something to do with the war – and she is right in the eye of the storm.

A tale of bravery, adventure and a remarkable friendship, inspired by true events from World War 2.

Sarah Webb is one of Ireland's most prolific children's authors, and her new book celebrates a mostly forgotten part of Ireland's history. Based on true events, The Weather Girls recounts the role of the family living at Blacksod Lighthouse in aiding the Allies on D Day.

Now, you're thinking, what? How can a lighthouse on the west coast of Ireland help with an invasion in France? But Blacksod was also a weather station, tracking weather coming across the Atlantic and making predictions. Using that information, the Met Office in England was able to find the perfect weather for their fleet to invade France and eventually bring down Nazi Germany.

Blacksod's role in these events is true. Sarah has dramatised it, changing the family and adding some more events like a German plane crash - those also happened in Ireland during the war! - but it's all based on absolutely true events. Sarah has managed to make a beautiful story about duty, friendship and loyalty wrap about this historical event, and it's a fantastic read.

This would be a great read for a school class learning about the Emergency - I know I've learned some new things! This is a great read (with a lovely cover) and I'm really looking forward to seeing it in person.

The Weather Girls publishes on the 6th of May, 2024. I received a free copy and am giving an honest review.

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