Saturday 29 June 2024

The Secret Garden Rewilded by Anthea Simmons

Spoilt rich kid Mia's world is turned upside-down when she is orphaned and whisked away to Mis Tor Manor on the edge of Dartmoor to live with her uncle and cousin Christopher. Mia is appalled to find herself in the remote countryside, in a freezing, crumbling manor. Grieving and missing her old life, she takes an instant dislike to Christopher, who never leaves his bedroom due to illness. Yet little by little, Mia starts to discover the beauty of this wintry world, and befriends local boy Daniel, who loves animals and teaches her how to ride a Dartmoor pony. One day she discovers a hidden door, covered in brambles and ivy, which leads to a walled garden ... A special, secret place which needs someone's care to bring it to life once again so nature can flourish.

The Secret Garden is a classic children's novel; I think most adults would have at least a general sense of the story. It's been filmed and turned into TV series and there's at least one sequel. This, however, is a retelling, an up to date version - Mia and Christopher have mobiles, her parents were influencers rather than colonisers - and the characters use the modern concept of rewilding the garden rather than restoring it to its former manicured state.

Plot Summary
When Mia's parents die, she is taken in by her mother's brother, who lives in a large house in Devon. As in the original, there's a sickly cousin, a local boy who loves animals, and a mysterious locked garden - but Anthea adds a lot of twists and ideas that the original story didn't have.

As the Mary character, Mia starts out spoiled and rude, but she changes her tune much more quickly than Mary did. Christopher, the Colin character, has a much better reason for his hypochondria; Daniel, the Dickon, is much the same, practical and down to earth. Christopher's father is rarely home, like Colin's, but this time around it seems to be because of his job, not because he's afraid of his son. The Martha and Ben characters are quite similar to their originals.

One thing I did note was that everyone is more sympathetic to Mia's status as an orphan than they were to Mary's in the original. Of course, when the original was written, Mary would have been expected to simply get on with things, so it's very accurate.

Writing Style
This is written for confident readers, so while there are descriptions - including some gorgeous ones of various animals, birds, and the moors around the house - there's nothing too lyrical or complicated, and the story itself is quite straightforward. There are plenty of twists, but nothing is hidden or complicated.

Themes and Messages
As a Secret Garden retelling, there's a lot about nature. Daniel is constantly emphasising that in nature, something is always eating something else, and there are a couple of scenes that show that clearly. There's also some background themes of family and helping other people, but they don't overwhelm the story.

The original was set in the moors of Yorkshire, and the locals used that dialect. This retelling has moved to Devon, and the moors and surroundings are beautifully described, almost becoming their own character. It's not just an aesthetic change; the moors feature in a very important scene and are background to various others.

  • Good adventure
  • Touches on important issues of wildlife and nature
  • Shows that people can change

  • Changes happen very quickly, but then it's not a very long book
  • There are some scenes showing animals eating other animals, which may be upsetting for some children

Personal Connection
I love the original story and have fond memories of the movie from the 90s. This retelling honours the spirit of the story while bringing it up to date and adding modern elements.

Great read for a confident reader looking for a good adventure, or anyone interested in nature and rewilding.

Further Reading/Viewing
You can't beat the original, of course, and the beautifully shot movie. Holly Webb wrote a sequel a few years ago, set during WWII. For more information about rewilding, try this title.

The Secret Garden Rewilded publishes on the 4th of July, 2024. I received a free copy and am giving an honest review.

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