
Sunday, 12 January 2025

Runes for the Green Witch by Nicolette Miele

A magickal guide to working with runes and plant allies for manifestation, healing, and spellwork

• Examines the herb and plant connections of each of the 24 runes of the Elder Futhark as well as correspondences with deities, astrology, tarot, and crystals

• Provide examples and tips on how runes and plants may be combined within spells and ritual for manifesting, protecting, healing, banishing, and more

• Explains how runes and plants can be worked with for the soulful process of rewilding and connecting with Mother Nature

In this magickal grimoire, herbalist witch Nicolette Miele immerses readers in the wisdom and folklore of the 24 Elder Futhark runes as well as their correspondences with deities, astrology, tarot, crystals, and plants. Each chapter begins by discussing the etymology, meanings, mythology, divination, correspondences, and magick of a particular rune and culminates with profiles of several herbs and plants that possess similar magickal energies. Each plant profile delves into the magickal, metaphysical, traditional, and medicinal applications as well as how to work with these incredible plant allies.

For example, the author connects Fehu, the rune of wealth and value, with the practice of altar-building, making offerings, and with alfalfa, cedar, dandelion, and other plants traditionally used in abundance and prosperity magick. In the chapter on Kenaz, the rune of heat and illumination, the nature connection is nurtured through the element of fire and a step-by-step bindrune candle ritual. The plants connected with Kenaz are those that embody the characteristics of fire—such as passion, ferocity, and sexuality— and include clove, damiana, and kava kava.

Guiding the green witch through the benefits and strengths of synergistic magick, this book helps eclectic magickal practitioners advance their craft through folk magick and medicine, rituals, meditations, spells, and the soulful process of rewilding and connecting with Mother Nature.

The Norse runes are, give or take, two thousand years old; around that time the Dead Sea Scrolls were being written and the Terracotta Army was being fired. All of these show a fascination with what lies beyond the everyday. Humans had learned how to live; now we were ready to explore more esoteric lessons.

The runes served multiple purposes in Norse culture. At their most basic, they were an alphabet designed with practicality in mind: made entirely of straight lines, they could be carved quickly and accurately onto various surfaces. Beyond their role as letters, each rune symbolized an important aspect of Norse life—horse, gift, and harvest time are just a few examples. (Note: Some modern rune sets include an extra symbol called Wyrd, or "fate," often represented as a blank rune. This was not part of the traditional runic system.) Finally, each rune held a divinatory meaning, a usage that continues to captivate and guide people today.

Nicolette, the author, is an accomplished witch working in several spheres. This book is primarily concerned with the correspondences between plants and runes, but she also dips into tarot, crystals and other aspects of witchcraft. She's also clear that whatever feels right to you, the practitioner, is what should be done, no matter what the official books say! I love a low pressure approach to things like this and this is a really good one.

Each rune gets several pages of explanation. An image of the rune is followed by keywords and a short poem explaining it. A longer explanation includes mythology references and ways to honour the rune in your practise. Correspondences include the elements, zodiac sign, planet, moon phase, tarot, crystal, chakra, deities and plants. Each rune has eight plants, which Nicolette then goes into in more detail on, both how to use it magically and medicinally. 

Instead of spreads the book has a series of recipes for different blends that can be made to use with runes in different rituals. I have done some essential oil blending and this looks like a fascinating extension of that. A glossary and index make sure that information is easy to find at any time.

This is a really interesting read. There's a lot of information to absorb, but it flows easily and clearly. I've been interested in herbal medicine for a while and this was a fantastic way to  mesh that with my interest in runes. It's lovely to see that different disciplines don't have to be isolated - they can enhance and empower each other. Where most rune books focus heavily on the divinatory meanings and historical contexts of the symbols, Magickal Runes offers a unique perspective by directly connecting each rune to plants with both magical and medicinal uses. This grounded, earthy approach creates a more intimate connection between the practitioner and the energies of the runes, allowing for practical applications in ritual and healing, as well as spiritual insight.

For beginners or for those looking to enhance their practise, this is a wonderful read. And if you're just looking for information on herbs, it's a great choice as well!

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